LTA Connect: Compassionate Pedagogies - Compassionate feedback: how to reduce inequity in our feedback practices

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Over the past few years, there has been an increasing awareness of the need to enact social justice and to address student and staff well-being in in higher education. As a sector we have been encouraged to re-think normative practices and to re-design educational pedagogies and policies that can cause harm to the individuals we want to support. In this session Vikki Hill, Robert Mantho, Marianne Greated and Thea Stevens will introduce their research from the QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project Belonging through Assessment: Pipelines of Compassion. They will introduce compassion as a guiding principle and compassionate feedback as a way to nurture belonging, relationality and trust in our assessment contexts. During the session you will have the opportunity to apply theory to your own context and leave with practical actions that you can implement with your teaching.


Vikki Hill

Vikki Hill is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Enhancement and Academic Development at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and was a recipient of the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence in 2020. Vikki has over 20 years’ experience in education and leadership. Much of her academic development practice focuses on compassionate pedagogies, practices and policies to enhance social justice and she has led projects to enhance this such as Belonging Through Compassion (of which she is a co-author of the website), the QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project Belonging Through Assessment with Glasgow School of Art, Leeds Arts University and University of the Arts London and the current QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project, Compassionate Assessment in HE.

Thea Stevens

Dr Thea Stevens is Academic Development Lead and Academic Coordinator: Interdisciplinarity in in the School of Design at the Glasgow School of Art. Thea previously taught at the University of Glasgow, the University of Strathclyde, Edinburgh College of Art and Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. Her research interests lie in compassionate pedagogies and tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Marianne Greated

Dr Marianne Greated is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Art Practice and Theory at Edinburgh College of Art, part of the University of Edinburgh. Previous posts include Interim Head of School of Fine Art, Head of Painting and Printmaking and Academic Development Lead at Glasgow School of Art. Greated’s research focuses on creative pedagogies, women painting and sustainable landscapes, collaborating on cross-disciplinary research projects with UK/international partners, including solo art exhibitions in the UK, Belarus, Greece, Denmark and India. Her 2020 she co-edited a Special Edition of Visual Culture in Britain on Women Painting in Scotland and currently sits on the Editorial Board of the Scottish Universities Press. She was an organiser of How Artists Teach conference 2023 and in 2024 curated Live it, Paint it exhibition and the related symposium, Feminist Past, Feminist Futures: Exploring Creative Methodologies.  

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