LTA Connect: Compassionate Pedagogies - beyond the classroom, how compassion is exemplified through UHI processes and regulations

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Session Outline

This session will explore processes and regulations that exemplify compassion whilst also being robust, fair and maintaining quality and standards. Colleagues working in quality assurance and enhancement and student records will provide information and reflections on the role regulations and processes have at UHI to provide a positive and compassionate student experience. Colleagues from the HISA will also provide information and reflections on the role the advice service plays to support students throughout their time at UHI.

Chaired by Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Head of Academic Standards and Enhancement at UHI, this session will start with short presentations before moving into a panel discussion and participant Q&A.


  • Sharon Rankin, Faculty Liaison Lead
  • Gillian MacLellan, Faculty Liaison Co-ordinator
  • Leigh Montgomery, Student Data Manager
  • Elena Arroyo, Advice Service Co-ordinator

To Book

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We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we have met everyone’s needs in joining this event. If you have particular access needs please contact us at so we can work together to get you as good an experience as we can.


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