Enrol for your studies


Enrolling takes approximately five minutes and is a task for you to complete every year. This is to be sure we are holding the correct information about you so that we can support you while you study with us.

Before you enrol, please ensure you have followed the requirements to set up your account as per the STEP ONE email you should have received.

Log into UHI Records using the button below, with the details that you set up from your Step one email. Ensure that you click on the “Current Students and Staff” button at the log on page.

Enrol now

Contact your campus

At the top of your student hub page you should see a tile called “Online Enrolment" for Academic Year. Click on this to start your enrolment form.

You will be asked a series of questions as part of your enrolment form. We have a statutory duty to return these responses to the Scottish Funding Council each year. Should you have any problems in answering any of the questions on the form please contact your local registry team. You can also get more information about any of the questions by clicking the “Question Mark” Icon beside the question.

Please ensure you enrol onto your course as soon as possible, this will help ensure any funding streams are released as soon as possible to you. Please also remember, even if you are resitting coursework or finishing off work you started in a previous year, you must enrol to keep your account open.

After Enrolment content

After Enrolment

After Enrolment

You will receive an email to your student email address confirming your enrolment is complete. You can also check this on UHI Records where you will see a table that will show what, if any actions are yet to be completed and a tick against your enrolment once it is complete:

Screenshot of enrolment status webpage

For degree students, once you have completed this enrolment form you may be asked to complete your module choices for the year.

You may also be eligible to apply for student support funding (EMA, Bursary, Childcare or Discretionary).

For SAAS funded students, please remember, you must apply for your funding on a yearly basis, please remember to apply to SAAS every year. See the SAAS website for further funding information.

Help, Contacts and Links content Frequently asked questions content

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

I can’t see my course in the drop-down list?

If you are on the login screen, pick what is there and you should see your course in the enrolment option once you click on that.

I can’t see the enrolment tile in UHI Records

Please log a Unidesk ticket

My password/account doesn’t work

Help with setting up your account.

What do I do if I don’t want to come and study anymore?

Please let your local registry know if you do not wish to take up your place or wish to exit from your studies. Registry contact details.

Where can I select my modules? (Degree students only)

Degree students able to select modules will be emailed with an instruction. Not everyone has to select modules as some courses do not have options included. Further details on module selection.