Awards and Graduations


University of the Highlands and Islands students who have been confirmed as eligible for an award, and exiting the programme by the relevant Exam Board, will receive official confirmation of their awards by email.

Following exam board confirmation, awards are uploaded to the student records system, these can be viewed on student journey.

Graduation and award ceremonies usually take place between July and November, further details about graduation can be viewed on our graduation pages.

Make sure to keep an eye on your student account, these are closed in Autumn each year. For help on saving files and emails before your account is closed please have a look on the leavers IT page.

Collage of 2 | Student graduating | Graduation certificate tubes


Graduands will be notified of their eligible award, via email, throughout July and will be asked to complete a short online form, to confirm:

  • Preferred name for the certificate
  • The address to which it should be posted
  • Options for inclusion in national and local media graduation lists
  • Certificate language, whether it is printed in English or Gaelic
  • Graduation location

Certificates cannot be issued until this has been completed.

Certificates will be issued following completion of the online form and endorsement of award by the Academic Council. If you wish to view more details about how your data is used as part of the certification process, please read our privacy notice.

Students successfully completing work over the summer will not receive their certificate until they have been confirmed as eligible for an award, and exiting the programme by the relevant Exam Board, and completion of the online form. Award certificates will be issued shortly after endorsement of award by the Academic Council.

Certificates will be mailed directly to students by the student records office, by Royal Mail.

I have lost/damaged my University of the Highlands and Islands certificate content

I have lost/damaged my University of the Highlands and Islands certificate

I have lost/damaged my University of the Highlands and Islands certificate

Your award certificate is a unique and valuable document, which should be carefully preserved by its recipient. The loss or destruction of a certificate is a serious matter and a duplicate will only be issued at the discretion of the University of the Highlands and Islands. The university reserves the right not to issue a duplicate.

Award certificates are issued in the name held in formal records at the point when the qualification is conferred. Certificates will not be amended or reissued in a different name if a change of name is notified after the date the qualification is conferred, except in the case of an error made by the university in recording personal details, or if a valid request is made under the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

Students can have their certificate issued in either Gaelic or English. Please contact for further details if you have your certificate in Gaelic and require translation or a copy made to English (or vice versa).

Students can apply for a replacement certificate by requesting an application form from the Student Records Office An administration charge of £35 (incl VAT) will apply to the processing of the application, a postal charge of £8.50 will apply to addresses outside of the UK. Payment can be made online or by cheque, made payable to the University of the Highlands and Islands.