Corporate Parenting


UHI is identified as a corporate parent under Part 9 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. The definition of corporate parenting is;

“An organisation’s performance of actions necessary to uphold the rights and safeguard the wellbeing of a looked after child or care leaver, and through which physical, emotional, spiritual, social and educational development is promoted.”

The whole organisation, and every member of staff, is responsible for fulfilling corporate parenting duties.

Collage of 2 | Aerial view of coastline | Woman working at a laptop


As a collegiate institution based on a partnership of 11 colleges, 2 research institutions, and 50 learning centres spread across the Highlands and Islands, Moray, and Perthshire, the UHI plan specifically focuses on collaborative work and the coordination of actions. Each college and research institution will have its own individual Corporate Parenting Plan reflecting its distinctive, local context and working in conjunction with the overarching university plan.

UHI are committed to ensuring care experienced young people are fully supported during their time with us, to enable them to successfully complete their course and undergo a worthwhile experience throughout their student journey.

Please read the UHI Corporate Parenting Plan. We also have a version available in Gaelic; UHI Corporate Parenting Plan - Gaelic

If you have any queries please contact Michaela Gilmore or Kate Mawby.

Corporate Parenting plans- UHI Partners content

Corporate Parenting plans- UHI Partners

Corporate Parenting plans- UHI Partners

Below are links to the Corporate Parenting Plans of some our academic partners.

Corporate Parenting Reports content

Corporate Parenting Reports

Corporate Parenting Reports

Reports in respect of the Corporate Parenting Plans listed above are published every 3 years. Copies of the previous reports can be found below.