Cultural and Natural Landscapes/Ecosystems


Cottage in landscape


Research within this thematic group is interdisciplinary, situated at the interface between the natural and social sciences and the historical disciplines. Geographically, a particular focus is on the particular land or seascapes and ecosystems that characterise the Highlands and Islands: uplands, freshwater, coasts, and marine environments. Our research is not only conducted within the region, but in comparable regions in other parts of Europe (particularly northern Europe) and worldwide, and with a wide range of collaborators.

Research themes addressed by members of the group include:

  • Human impact on marine, coastal and upland environments
  • Marine and coastal governance
  • Socio-economic-ecological change
  • Collaborative governance in mountain/upland and coastal regions
  • Upland land management
  • Ecosystem services (especially cultural ecosystems)
  • Adventure and slow tourism
  • Palaeoenvironments and the current and future relevance of past interactions between people and the environment

Research in these subjects is carried out at the following centres: