UHI Inverness student to compete at Crossfit Games

A UHI Inverness student is looking forward to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as a competitor at the 2024 Adaptive CrossFit Games in San Antonio, Texas.

Rachel Hives (34), from Drumnadrochit, was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) at the age of 19.

She secured her place at the Games after competing against CrossFit’s adaptive athlete community in a series of qualifying events earlier this year. She has now earned her place in the final 10 of the Female Standing Diagnosed category at the 2024 Adaptive CrossFit Games. Rachel goes into the final in Texas from 19 to 22 September, seeded first place in the UK.

“FND affects between 50-100,000 people living within the UK, creating problems with how the brain receives and sends information to the rest of the body,” said Rachel.

“In my case, it causes issues with paralysis, spasms, dissociative seizures, vision, speech, sensory and cognitive function, as well as a lot of pain - when I can feel things.

“As someone who likes to be active, it is mentally challenging when these episodes occur. They can range from minutes, to months, to years. But it is so important for me to show up and keep setting an example for my kids. At the end of 2022, when I had a lot of muscle wastage from time in a wheelchair, I wanted to join a gym to help build my body back up and find a new focus.

“It was then that I found CrossFit. I joined CrossFit 57 North in Inverness, starting out with the basics and using a training bar as I slowly got stronger. Little did I know that CrossFit would change my life - for the better – thanks to the support and great coaching, with lots of laughs along the way! Fast forward to 2024 and I’m still in disbelief that I’ve qualified for the Adaptive CrossFit Games – it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Rachel, who is studying for a degree in Business and Management at UHI Inverness, has now set up a GoFundMe campaign to help with travel costs and expenses to get to the competition in Texas.

Donnie Beaton, owner and Head Coach at CrossFit 57 North, said: “We are all really excited for Rachel. There are not many people who make it to the CrossFit Games so we’re so proud to have one of our own representing us, Scotland and the UK on this international stage."

Anyone who would like to donate to Rachel’s GoFundMe campaign can do so on the GoFundMe website: Fundraiser by Rachel Hives : Help Get Rachel to the Adaptive CrossFit Games (gofundme.com)

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