Entry Form


Deadline 20 April 2025

  1. Entries are to be submitted with one of the following:
    • a short story (3000 - 5000 words)
    • the first chapters of a novel (3000 - 5000 words), accompanied by a short synopsis of the remaining story
    • the first 25 pages of a stage or screen play, accompanied by a short synopsis of the remaining story
  2. Open to all UHI students and 2023 graduates, regardless of the course they are studying.
  3. Submitted fiction may be in English, Scots or Gaelic.

 Selection Process

  • Entries will be made anonymous and a panel of judges, appointed internally by UHI, will choose a shortlist of five.
  • Peter May will select the winner and any commendations.
  • The winner will be presented with their prize in June 2024, with runners up being awarded letters of commendation.

Entry Form:

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